Data Seal of Approval conference, 10. 12. 2012 |
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Free one-day Data Seal of Approval conference will be organized in Florence on 10 December. In cooperation with the Cultural Heritage on line conference "Trusted Digital Repositories and Trusted Professionals" 11-13 December. Theme: Data Seal of Approval conference 2012 Date: December10, 2012 Location: Auditorium Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari 3/5, Florence, Italy The Data Seal of Approval is an initiative toprovide basic certification to data repositories. Receiving the DSA signifies that data are being safeguarded in compliance with community standards and will remain accessible into the future. The DSA and its quality guidelines are of interest to researchers, organizations that archive data, and users of the data. Conference topics will include:
- Information on the Data Seal of Approval, including how to apply for the DSA
- An overview of the European Framework for Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories
- Case studies
Speakers will include experts from the field of digital preservation. Attendance to the DSA conference 2012 is free of charge. Please register at Registration DSA conference 2012. Login as guest, no username and password required. The Data Seal of Approval will be preceding the Cultural Heritage on line conference, which will include a discussion on trusted repositories within research infrastructures. The detailed programme is available on the DSA web site:, where all the latest news can be found. Contact: Lisa de Leeuw, Secretary to the DSA Board (
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