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Konferenca: The value of official statistics as a public good, 20. 10. 2017 PDF Print
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The European Statistical Advisory Committee, the Portuguese Statistical Society and Statistics Portugal, with the support of Eurostat, are organising a Conference on “The value of official statistics as a public good”, to be held in Lisbon, in the morning of 20 October.

With this initiative the organisers intend to celebrate the European Statistics Day, bringing together producers and users of official statistics in an open debate among all stakeholders.

The Conference aims at strengthening citizens’ awareness of official statistics as a public good and it is also an opportunity to listening to our users aiming at better addressing their needs.

Besides a keynote speech about the theme of the Conference, followed by an open debate, there will be a panel discussion on the challenges and risks of official statistics beyond 2020.

The Conference is free of charge. Participants are requested to submit a registration form available at until 22 September. For logistic reasons participants are kindly invited to submit their registration form as soon as possible.