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The 22th European Young Statisticians Meeting, 13. - 15. 10. 2017 PDF Print
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The 22th European Young Statisticians Meeting will take place at the School of Medicine, Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, University of Zagreb in Zagreb, Croatia, 13. - 15. October 2017.

Participating countries are Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, and Croatia.

YSM history

It has turned out that every event in this series of meetings successfully established a platform especially tailored for younger statisticians without major experiences in giving talks in English to an international audience. We always tried to enable them a nice first step into their life as a scientist without a large amount of stress. An interesting variety of different topics from the large scope of statistics should be covered and no limitation on any special topic will be given. The conference language will be English.

The Scientific Program will only include oral presentations of about 30 minutes each given by younger statisticians. Usually these are very well prepared and of excellent quality. Youngsters interested in participating should contact the representative of the according country from the International Program Committee.

Contact Information:
Anuška Ferligoj (Local Organizer), This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Kardeljeva pl. 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia