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18 Nov 2012


Abstract submission and registration for "Applied Statistics 2014" is opened
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We are pleased to inform you, that abstract submission and registration for "Applied Statistics 2014", which will be held in Ribno (Bled), Slovenia from 21 - 24 of September 2014 is now opened.

- Please note that the abstract submission deadline is *June 1*.
Conference details are available at
This year we invited three distinguished speakers
- Carter Butts, UC Irvine, USA
- Daniel Commenges, INSERM, France
- Michael Goldstein, Durham University, UK
to present their plenary talks (visit AS2014 website for abstracts).
Workshop details will be announced soon.
Instructions for abstract submission are available at the AS2014 website (
For easier submission and handling, abstract submission form is available at the abstract web page. Abstract submission deadline is *June 1*.
If you haven't registered yet, please use the conference registration form: - possibly at the time of abstract acceptance or by August 15.
Registration and payment details are available at
Don't forget to arrange the accommodation in Hotel Ribno. Please contact them as soon as possible. Look at: