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Podelitev: Častna članica Statističnega društva, 11. junij 2015


Vljudno vabljeni na
svečano podelitev naziva

Častna članica
Statističnega društva Slovenije

ki ga bo prejela

prof. dr. Lynne Billard

University of Georgia, ZDA

Podelitev bo v četrtek
11. junija 2015 ob 14. uri

v predavalnici B1
Biološko središče
Večna pot 111

Po podelitvi bo imela nova Častna članica predavanje z naslovom

Sir Ronald A. Fisher and The International Biometric Society

The year 2012 marked the 50th anniversary of the death of Sir Ronald A. Fisher, one of the two Fathers of Statistics and a Founder of the International Biometric Society (the “Society”). We celebrate the extraordinary genius of Fisher and the far-sighted vision of Fisher and Chester Bliss in organizing and promoting the formation of the Society, by looking at the origins and growth of the Society, some of the key players and events, and especially the roles played by Fisher himself as the First President. A fresh look at Fisher, the man rather than the scientific genius, is also presented.
(predavanje bo v angleščini)