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Povabilo k oddaji prispevkov za konferenco Applied Statistics 2016

Abstract submission and registration for "Applied Statistics 2016", which will be held in  Ribno (Bled), Slovenia from 18 - 23 of September 2016 is now open.


- Please note that the abstract submission deadline is *June 1*.


Conference details are available at

This year we invited three distinguished speakers

- Marijtje van Duijin, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

- Sara van de Geer, ETH, Switzerland

- Lisa Meier McShane, National Cancer Institute, USA

to present their plenary talks.


You are invited to attend the worksop (Sept 18)

Bayesian networks

Marco Andreas Grzegorczyk, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Instructions for abstract submission and submission form are available at the AS2016 website ( Abstract submission deadline is *June 1*.


For registration use the registration form: - possibly at the time of abstract acceptance or by August 15.

Registration and payment details are available at


Don't forget to arrange the accommodation in Hotel Ribno. Please contact them as soon as possible. Look at:

The conference e-mail address is Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Če ga želite videti, omogočite Javascript. , but you are  welcome to directly contact, Andrej Blejec, chair of Organizing  Committee, ( Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Če ga želite videti, omogočite Javascript. ) or Lara Lusa, chair of  International Program Committee, ( Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Če ga želite videti, omogočite Javascript. )  (Subject: [AS2016] ...).